Newport Center Urgent Care
(949) 760-8300


Find out answers to the most commonly asked urgent care questions to help you and your family get the best possible medical care in southern CA.

Lacerations and Wound Care

What is wound laceration?

The most common type of wounds are lacerations, which can be caused by anything from sharp objects like glass or knives to blunt trauma. These types often occur when an object breaks apart inside your body and cuts through muscle fiber as well.

What is the difference between laceration and wound?

A laceration is a type of open wound, usually with irregular or jagged edges. A wound is a break in the skin, typically caused by an animal bite, an injury, or an accident.

What are the types of lacerations?

Punctures, penetrations, abrasions, incisions, and gunshot wounds are all classified as lacerations.

What are 4 steps for wound care?

1) stop the bleeding 

2) wash the wound 

3) apply antibiotics 

4) cover the wound

How do you treat a laceration wound?

You should first apply an antibiotic ointment to the wound, and then cover it with a sterile bandage with the help of first-aid tape. Clean it daily with soap and water, and after a few days, you can remove the bandage to help it air out and heal.

How do you take care of a laceration?

First, clean the wound with soap and water. You may also need to remove any dirt or debris that is embedded in the wound. Next, apply pressure to the wound to stop any bleeding. Once the bleeding has stopped, apply an antibiotic ointment to the wound and cover it with a sterile bandage. Make sure to change the bandage regularly and keep the wound clean and dry.

Minor Burns and Trauma

What can I put on a minor burn?

You can run cool water over it, or apply a cold compress to the burned area. Then apply petroleum jelly 2-3 times a day. You can also apply neosporin or polysporin for uncomplicated burns. Then be sure to cover with a sterile non-stick bandage or gauze.

How can you tell if a burn is minor?

It will only cover about 10% of the body. Another way is if your skin turns white when pressed, but back to red again. Most first and second degree burns are considered to be minor burns. Lastly, while this may seem simple enough; you feel pain with a minor burn, whereas more serious burns, you may actually not feel pain.

What types of burns are treated at urgent care centers?

Typically first and second degree burns are treated at urgent care centers.

Which ointment is best for burns?

Petroleum jelly is best, because it is least likely to cause any type of chemical reaction. Other ointments that can be used are bacitracin or neosporin/polysporin.

Can trauma be cured?

Symptoms of trauma generally last anywhere from a few days to a few months, (depending on the severity). It is impossible to answer directly, however, because it depends on the individual and the particular situation.

What first aid will be given in case of minor burns?

A cool compress, petroleum jelly, or a moisturizing lotion with aloe vera, as well as bacitracin or neosporin will be applied. The affected area will then be covered with sterile gauze or other loose bandage. If needed, you can also take an OTC pain medication, such as Advil, Tylenol, or Aleve. Some trauma can stay with you your entire life.
Sports Injuries

What are the top 10 sports injuries?

-Knee (cartilage tear or dislocation) -Elbow (sustained injuries, ie: tennis elbow) -Shoulder (a stretch or tear, usually from a throwing motion) -Ankle sprain -Hamstring (tear or stretch to the back of the leg) -Calf (tear or stretch of muscle) -Fingers (dislocation of hand or fingers or stretched ligament) -Achilles tendon (torn or stretched) -Shin (tear or stretch of the muscle, ie: shin splints -Back (disc damage or tendon or ligament issue)

What is the best treatment for sports injury?

RICE- (rest, ice (once an hour for 20 minutes), compress (by either immobilizing with a splint or wrapping), and elevate the injured part above the heart to help reduce swelling to the location and decrease blood flow

How do you heal sports injuries faster?

Hydrate often, get a good stretch in before playing, eating a well-balanced diet, using cold compresses, and listening to your provider orders.

How long will it take for my injury to heal?

On average it can take 6-12 weeks, but sometimes up to a year, (depending on the injury). It is important to not rush back into your sport before it is too early, because that can often result in re-injury.

How do athletes develop chronic sports injuries?

Chronic sports injuries usually occur over a long period of time, and typically happen from overuse of one area of the body.

Minor Eye Problems

What are the 4 most common eye problems?

The 4 most common eye problems are: 

1) dry eyes, 

2) diabetic retinopathy, 

3) cataracts, and 

4) glaucoma.

What are the signs of having eye problems?

Some common signs of eye problems are headaches, sensitivity to light, floaters, flashes, dry eyes, night blindness, and excessive tearing.

What are the 3 common eye defects?

The 3 common eye defects are: 

1) near-sightedness, or myopia, 

2) far-sightedness, or hypermetropia, and 

3) presbyopia.

What are the most common problems affecting the eyes?

The most common problems affecting the eyes are: glaucoma, refractive errors, cataracts, floaters, dry eyes, diabetic retinopathy, presbyopia, and macular degeneration.

What are minor eye conditions?

Some minor eye conditions are eye inflammation and irritation, red eye or eyelids, gritty and uncomfortable eyes, watery eyes, a sudden increase in sticky discharge from the eyes, and dry eyes.

What are the common eye problems in kids?

Some common eye problems in kids are pink eye, epiphora, strabismus, pediatric cataract, chalazion, lazy eye, (amblyopia), astigmatism, far-sightedness, and near-sightedness.

Splinting and Braces

What is the difference between splint and brace?

The main difference between a splint and brace is the use. A brace often has additional features that allow it to be used in more situations than just injury recovery, but they serve much of the same purpose- to hold your body part still after an accident or surgery.

Can I wear a splint with braces?

There are a few things to consider when wondering if you can wear a splint with a brace. The first is the type of brace you are using. Some braces, like those for an ankle injury, can be worn with a splint. Others, like a knee brace, may not be able to be worn with a sprint. Another thing to consider is the type of injury you are trying to heal. For some injuries, like a broken bone, it is important to keep the area immobilized. This means that you would not be able to wear a splint with a brace. However, for other injuries, like a sprained ankle, wearing a splint with a brace may help speed up the healing process.

What is the purpose of brace or splint?

A splint or brace can help to: - immobilize an injured body part - reduce pain - decrease swelling - prevent further injury

What are 3 things you should not do while splinting?

1. Don't over-tighten the straps. The straps on your splint should be snug but not too tight. If they are too tight, it can cause discomfort and impair circulation.

2. Don't place the splint over an area that is already swollen or bruised. The splint should be placed on the uninjured side of the body to avoid further irritation.

3. Don't leave the splint on for longer than recommended. Depending on the type of splint, you may only need to wear it for a few hours or overnight. If you leave the splint on for too long, it can cause skin irritation.

How long should a splint stay on?

Typically a splint will stay on for a few days to weeks, depending upon the severity of the injury.

Is a splint supposed to hurt?

The answer, unfortunately, is not black and white. It really depends on the individual case and what is causing the pain. In some cases, the pain may be due to an improper fit or incorrect placement of the splint. In other cases, the pain may be caused by the underlying condition that the splint is meant to treat.

Are wrist splints permanent?

There is no definitive answer to whether wrist splints are permanent or not. This is because the decision of whether to keep a splint on permanently or not depends on the individual's situation and needs. Some people may only need to use a splint for a short period of time, while others may need to use one permanently.

Insect Bites

Which ointment is best for insect bites?

Benadryl anti-itch gel is the best ointment for insect bites, because it both relieves the itchiness and pain that come along with a bug bite, as well as numbing the skin.

How do you know if a bite is serious?

A bite could be considered serious if an area larger than 10cm around the bite becomes swollen and red. Some other examples would be if there is increasing pus and pain, fever, flu-like symptoms, or swollen glands.

When should you worry about an insect bite?

You should worry about an insect bite if you begin wheezing or having trouble breathing, you feel as if your throat is closing up, have swelling in the lips, face, or tongue, if hives form, intense pain or oozing from the site of the bite, or become unconscious.

How do you treat insect bites?

Depending upon the type of insect bite, you can treat them in a number of ways. Here are a few: wash the affected area as soon as possible after being bitten, apply a cold compress to the area, apply calamine or hydrocortisone cream, take an antihistamine for an allergic reaction to a bite.

What does insect bite look like?

Most stings or insect bites typically cause a small red bump to form on the skin. They can be painful and itchy.

What is the best cream for insect bites?

A steroid cream, such as hydrocortisone cream, can be used to treat most bug bites. For best results, you should apply it 2-3 times a day to dramatically reduce itchiness.
Find out answers to the most commonly asked urgent care questions to help you and your family get the best possible medical care in southern CA.
Imaging and X-Rays

What is X-ray used for?

X-rays are an essential tool for diagnosing problems affecting your bones and joints, but they're also useful in identifying other areas of the body. For example, X-rays may be used to diagnose breaks or fractures involving soft tissue, such as internal organs .

What are the 2 types of X-rays?

There are two types of X-rays: medical X-rays and industrial X-rays. Medical X-rays are used to produce images of the human body for diagnostic purposes. Industrial X-rays are used to inspect objects for defects, such as in metals or welds. Both types of X-rays use high-energy electromagnetic radiation to create their images.

How is an X-ray produced in a lab?

An X-ray is produced in a lab by directing an energetic beam of radiation or particles at a particular target material. The energetic beam can be protons, electrons, or other X-rays.

What are the 3 types of X-ray imaging systems?

The 3 types of x-ray images: digital radiography, computed tomography (CT), and fluoroscopy. Digital radiography uses a digital X-ray sensor to produce images of the body. CT uses a computer to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body. Fluoroscopy uses a special camera to make real-time images of the body.

What is X-ray testing for?

X-ray testing is to help healthcare providers see things that they can't see with the naked eye. For example, an X-ray can show whether you have a broken bone or a pneumonia infection in your lungs.

Why is it called X-ray?

One theory is that the name X-ray comes from the fact that X-rays were first discovered by German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895. He originally referred to them as "X-rays" because he didn't know what they were. Another theory is that the name comes from the fact that X-rays have a very short wavelength, which is represented by the letter "X" in scientific notation. This makes them very difficult to detect and study.
Minor Illness
Find out answers to the most commonly asked urgent care questions to help you and your family get the best possible medical care in southern CA.
Sick Visits

What kind of doctor do you see when you're sick?

The severity of the illness and what type of care you need will determine the kind of provider you will see when sick. Generally speaking, you will see an emergency doctor, a nurse practitioner, a primary care physician, or other physician associates.

When should you go to the doctor when sick?

Here are some examples of when you should see a healthcare provider when sick: - A fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher - Severe or worsening symptoms - Shortness of breath - Chest pain - Dehydration - Confusion or disorientation

Can you consult an ENT for a cold?

The answer is yes, you can consult an ENT for a cold. However, it is important to note that not all colds require medical intervention and some can be treated at home with over-the-counter medications. If your cold symptoms are severe or last longer than a week, it is worth considering scheduling an appointment with an ENT. During your visit, the ENT will take a detailed medical history and perform a physical examination. In some cases, they may also recommend additional testing, such as a CT scan or allergy testing. Treatment for a cold will depend on the underlying cause but may include antibiotics, decongestants, or antihistamines.

What is the best cure for sickness?

It truly depends on the type of sickness, but some general cures for common sickness are: -Stay hydrated -Get plenty of rest, (your body needs it to heal) -Take OTC medications to help soothe a sore throat, or ease pain -Try a decongestant or nasal rinse/spray to combat stuffiness -Consider getting a humidifier to add moisture to the air -Drink warm liquids, (ie: tea with honey, broth, or soup)

Which medicine can stop vomiting?

Some medicines that can stop vomiting are Kaopectate and Pepto-Bismol. If you are experiencing vomiting due to motion sickness, Dramamine may help.

How do you stop sickness from happening?

You can’t really stop sickness from happening, but you can try to decrease the chances of it happening by doing the following: -Get plenty of sleep -Stay hydrated -Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables -Try and reduce stress levels, (when stressed our bodies increase in overall inflammation)
Sick Visits

What are the benefits of getting a flu vaccine?

The flu vaccine can protect you from getting sick with the flu. Flu vaccination can also reduce the risk of hospitalization and death among people who are at high risk for these complications, including young children, older adults, and people with certain chronic health conditions. It can also help prevent serious health complications, such as pneumonia, that can occur as a result of the flu.

How effective is the flu vaccine?

The efficacy of the flu vaccine depends on many factors, including the age and health status of the person being vaccinated, the similarity between the virus strains in the vaccine and those circulating in the community, and how well the vaccine is manufactured. In general, however, the flu vaccine is 60-70% effective in healthy adults and 50-60% effective in children.

Who should get the flu vaccine?

Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a seasonal flu vaccine every year. Vaccination is especially important for people at high risk of serious influenza complications, including young children, pregnant women, people with certain chronic health conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), and people 65 years and older.


Cal Optima
All Savers
Champ VA
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona
Golden Rule
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Community Health Group
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
Harvard Pilgrim
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield (Health)
Health Net
Blue Shield of California
Florida Blue: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida
Health Partners
HealthNet PPO
Humana PPO
Independence Blue Cross
Kaiser Permanente
L.A. Care Health Plan
Nippon Life
Premera Blue Cross
Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
Tricare - West
United HealthCare -Student Resources
UnitedHealthcare Oxford
Western Growers Assurance Trust
Migraine and Headaches

What is the fastest way to cure a migraine?

The fastest way to cure a migraine is to use a heating pad or hot pack to help tense muscles relax. A warm bath or shower will have similar positive effects.

What is the best treatment for migraine?

The best treatments for a migraine are to hydrate aggressively, massage your temples, rest in a dark quiet room, and apply a cold or a hot compress to your head or neck.

What causes migraines in females?

Hormonal changes in females cause migraines. Any type of fluctuation in estrogen levels, pregnancy, before or after menstrual cycle, and menopause can cause such changes that trigger a migraine in women.

What is the best medicine for headache?

The best medicines for a headache are simple OTC pain relievers, such as Aspirin, Motrin, Aleve, and Advil.

What helps get rid of headaches fast?

The following can help get rid of headaches quickly:

-hydrate -use a cold pack or cold compress -use a heating pad or hot compress -drink some caffeine -try not to chew -dim the lights -ease pressure on your head or scalp -practice medication or relaxation methods

What is first line treatment for migraine?

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or Acetaminophen drugs are first-line treatments for mild to moderate migraines. For more severe migraines, triptans are first-line treatment.

How do you treat skin rashes?

If the skin rash is caused by poison oak, poison ivy, or chickenpox, you can treat those types of rashes with calamine lotion. It is helpful for sun rash treatment to use aloe vera oil or creams. Otherwise, hydrocortisone cream, or other stronger prescribed creams, help to treat most skin rashes.

What cures rashes fast?

The fastest way to clear up a rash is by applying some cold to the affected area. This can be done by taking a cool shower, using a damp cloth, a cold compress, or running cold water on the rash. The cold helps to ease the itch, stop swelling, slow down the progression of the rash, and overall provide immediate relief.

  What is the best medicine for skin rashes?

The most common OTC medication that can help with skin rashes is hydrocortisone cream. Also, oat bath products have been found to be very soothing, and can be used in conjunction with hydrocortisone cream.

What are the main causes of skin rashes?

Some of the main causes of skin rashes are from heat, allergens, infections, medications, and immune system disorders.

How do I clear up a rash?

You can clear up a rash by using OTC creams, such as hydrocortisone cream, soaking in an oat bath, and applying a cold compress to the rash.

What is the most common rash?

The most common skin disorder that causes a rash is eczema. People with this condition have an ongoing (chronic) outbreak of red, itchy patches on their bodies, which cause the thickening and dryness in these areas.
Breathing Treatment for Asthma

What is a breathing treatment for asthma?

A breathing treatment for asthma is a nebulizer or nebulized therapy. Nebulizers have a variety of medications, both for immediate relief, and for controlling asthma symptoms

What medication is used for nebulizer for asthma?

Albuterol medication is used for nebulizer for asthma. It is a solution in liquid form that is inhaled by mouth using a special jet nebulizer, which turns this liquid into a mist.

What are 5 treatments for asthma?

5 treatments for asthma are:

1. Inhaled corticosteroids
2. Combination inhalers that contain both a corticosteroid and a LABA
3. Leukotriene modifiers
4. Long-acting beta agonists (LABAs)
5. Theophylline

What are the 3 forms of inhalation treatments for asthma?

The 3 forms of inhalation treatment for asthma are: nebulizers, dose inhalers, and dry powder inhalers.

Can you permanently cure asthma?

Asthma is a chronic and lasting condition, therefore, it cannot be permanently cured. However, it is highly treatable, and can be controlled to a point that it no longer is debilitating.

How do you know if you need a breathing treatment?

You need a breathing treatment if you are experiencing any of the following -frequent allergic reactions -frequent coughing or congestion -having chronic trouble breathing -having a breathing or respiratory disorder that is not responding to medication or worsening.
Allergies & Allergic Reactions

What are allergies?

Allergies happen when your immune system mistakes something for a foreign substance. This can be anything from pollen to bee venom and even pet dander! Your body produces antibodies as well, which are proteins that fight off any infection by targeting specific cells or chemicals in our bodies so they don’t cause further injury due to pain sensation along with anaphylactic shock if left untreated.

What are the 2 types of allergic reaction?

Type I- immediate reactions happen within minutes after exposure to an allergen. They are caused by antibodies called IgE.

Type 2- delayed reactions happen hours to days after exposure and are caused by other antibodies, such as IgG.

What are some examples of an allergic reaction?

Some examples of an allergic reaction are contact dermatitis (skin irritation from contact with an allergen), exercise-induced asthma (wheezing and shortness of breath during or after exercise), and food intolerance (a reaction that does not involve the immune system).

Can I be allergic to my pet?

Yes, it is possible to be allergic to your pet. Pet allergies are relatively common, and can cause a range of symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, congestion, watery eyes, and itchiness. Some people may also experience more severe reactions such as difficulty breathing or hives.

What is Anaphylactic shock?

Anaphylactic shock is a potentially life-threatening reaction to an allergen. Symptoms can include difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat and airway, and low blood pressure. Anaphylactic shock requires immediate medical treatment. Epinephrine is the primary treatment for Anaphylactic shock, and it should be administered as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms. Anaphylactic reactions can occur in response to a variety of allergens, including insect stings, certain foods, and medications. People who are at risk for Anaphylactic reactions may carry an epinephrine auto-injector (such as an EpiPen) with them at all times.

Can allergic reactions be treated at home?

If you have a milder allergic reaction, you can usually treat it at home with over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines. However, if your symptoms are not improving or are getting worse, you should see a healthcare provider. You may also want to see a provider if you have a history of severe allergies or if you are not sure what is causing your symptoms.
Viral and Bacterial Infections

How do you know if your infection is viral or bacterial?

Viral infections are caused by viruses, while bacterial infections are caused by bacteria.

How do you test for a viral infection?

You can test for a viral infection a number of ways:

1. by needle through a blood sample, (typically taken in the arm)
2. a sample of nasal washings, urine, or stool
3. a sample of tissue may be taken directly from the infection

How do you test for a bacterial infection?

You test for a bacterial infection by having a provider take a bacteria culture test. Samples can be obtained from your mucus, spinal fluid, urine, stool, or blood

Can you get both a viral and bacterial infection together?

You can sometimes get a viral and bacterial infection at the same time, because illnesses often have a way of clumping together. For example, if you are suffering from the flu, (which is a viral infection), this can bring on a bacterial infection in the lungs.

How can you help prevent getting a viral or bacterial infection?

You can help prevent getting a viral or bacterial infection by doing the following things:

-Practice good hygiene, and wash your hands often with soap and water -Avoid touching your face -Always cover your sneezes and coughs -Disinfect areas around you that are touched often -Avoid being in close contact with people who are sick -Stay home if you are not feeling well

What are the ways to treat both a viral and bacterial infection?

You can treat viral infections by plenty of fluids and rest. Some viral infections may be treated with antiviral medicine. For bacterial infections, you can often treat them with antibiotics. Be sure to take the full prescribed dose, (as failure to do so increases the chances of the infection returning).
Find out answers to the most commonly asked urgent care questions to help you and your family get the best possible medical care in southern CA.
Annual Physical Exam

What is performed during an annual physical?

The medical practitioner will feel/palpate/tap soft-tissue areas, listen to your body's sounds with a stethoscope, and visually examine your body.

What's included in the physical exam?

The following things are included in the physical exam: basic vitals, blood pressure, hearing, vision, heart rate, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and an ears, nose, and throat check, and screenings for certain types of cancer including prostate exams for men and breast exams for women.

What is the difference between an annual exam and a physical?

The difference between an annual exam and a physical is that an annual physical usually involves the healthcare professional taking samples of bloodwork and other tests, along with an actual exam. An annual wellness visit typically doesn't include a physical exam, (except to check routine measurements, ie: blood pressure, height and weight).

How do I prepare for an annual physical?

The best ways to prepare for an annual physical is to fast (because you may need to have bloodwork taken), bring a list of medications (and write down any reactions you may have had to them), bring a current immunization list, and bring any results for recent medical tests or X-rays.

What happens during a physical for a woman?

During a physical exam for a woman, the medical practitioner will do the following: -Ask your medical history -Check your vital signs -Conduct a neurological exam -Take samples of urine and blood -Conduct a skin exam -Check your heart and lungs -Conduct a head, neck, and abdominal examination -Perform a breast exam

Is a physical exam the same as a woman's exam?

A physical is not the same as a well woman exam. A well woman exam is also referred to as an annual gynecological exam. These are mainly to address your sexual and reproductive health. A pelvic exam, pap test, and breast exam will also be performed. Additionally, they may discuss any risks for sexually transmitted diseases and family planning options.
School Physical Exam

What is included in a physical exam?

The following things are included in a school physical exam: -Height and weight measurement -Pulse and blood pressure -Determining the child’s level of physical maturity relative to their age group -Testing of fine and gross motor development, as well as reflexes -Screenings for hernia and scoliosis -Vision and hearing test -Medical check of the lungs, heart, skin, abdomen, nose, teeth, mouth, and throat to ensure there aren’t any abnormalities

What are the 6 components of a physical exam?

The 6 components of a physical exam are:

1. inspection- viewing of the patient's skin, appearance, well being
2. palpation- to feel by touch, such as feeling for a pulse
3. auscultation- to listen to heart or lungs
4. percussion- percussion hammer, reflexes
5. manipulation- range of motion
6. mensuration- means of measurement such as vital signs

What can I expect from a school physical?

During a physical exam for a 12 year old, the physician associate will look at their skin, listening to the heart and lungs, checking the back for any curvature of the spine, and checking for any signs of puberty. A parent, caregiver, or chaperone should be present during this part of the exam.

How do I prepare for a physical exam?

Preparing for your school physical exam does not have to be difficult. Just make sure to get a good night's sleep, eat a balanced breakfast, and wear comfortable clothing.

What is physical exam for school?

A physical exam for school is essentially a wellness checkup that is required by most schools before a student can participate in sports or other activities.
Sports Physical Exam

Do healthcare providers have to check your privates during a physical?

Males should expect the provider to examine their genitals, (the penis and testicles). They may also do a hernia and prostate exam, (depending upon the age of the patient).

What do I wear to a sports physical?

It is important to wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement when going to a sports physical. You will likely be asked to do some physical activity, so it is best to wear sneakers or other shoes that are easy to move in. It is also a good idea to wear loose-fitting clothes that will not become sweaty and uncomfortable during exercise. Be sure to dress in layers so that you can easily remove clothing if necessary.

What should you not do before a physical exam?

You should not do the following before a physical exam: -drink alcohol or do drugs -avoid exercise right before -avoid fatty or salty foods -avoid coffee or any other caffeinated drinks

How do I prepare for a physical exam?

The best way to prepare for a physical exam is to get at least 8 hours of sleep, drink lots of water, bring a list of any medications that you may take, and fast, (if needed to for bloodwork).

What does a complete physical consist of?

A complete physical usually consists of the following: checking all vital signs, blood pressure, breathing rate, temperature, height, weight, and pulse rate. It will also generally include a vision acuity test, (which tests the clarity or sharpness of your vision from a distance). Lastly, the head, eyes, ears, nose and throat exams will be done.

What are the 4 techniques used in a physical exam?

The 4 techniques used in a a physical assessment are: inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation, and they should be done in that particular order.
Pre-Op Crearance

What is a pre-op cardiac clearance?

Pre-op cardiac clearance is a heart health clearance, which includes labwork, X-rays, and an EKG.

What is a pre-op diagnosis?

A pre-op diagnosis is the opinion of the surgeon or other medical professional that is assigned to the patient prior to having the surgical procedure, and details the reason for the surgery.

What does pre-op consist of?

Pre-op consists of chest and X-rays (to check your lungs), an EKG (to check your heart), and blood tests consisting of a complete blood count (CBC) and liver and kidney blood sugar levels.

Who needs cardiac clearance before surgery?

Patients that are undergoing more complex and high-risk surgeries, (ie: joint replacement) require cardiac clearance before surgery. Also, anyone who has a history of cardiac conditions, current comorbidities, and anyone with a complex medical history may requre cardiac clearance as well.

What do pre op urine tests check for?

Pre op urine tests check for poorly controlled diabetes, renal diseases, and urinary tract infections.

Can you eat before pre op testing?

Yes, you can eat before pre-op testing, as well as taking any of your medications. Fasting is not a requirement, however, you should not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery.
Find out answers to the most commonly asked urgent care questions to help you and your family get the best possible medical care in southern CA.
Pregnancy Tests

How soon can I take a pregnancy test?

You should wait to take a pregnancy test until a week after your missed period. However, if you do not want to wait until you possibly miss your period, you could take a test 1-2 weeks after sexual intercourse. This is because your body needs some time to pass to develops levels of HCG that are detectable on a test.

What tests detect early pregnancy?

A blood test can detect early pregnancy, because it can detect smaller amounts of HCG. Blood tests are able to detect pregnancy even before a missed period, and are about 99% accurate.

Do early pregnancy tests work?

Early pregnancy tests are still generally reliable. If you get a positive result, it is likely that you are indeed pregnant. However, if you get a negative result, it is possible that the test just wasn't sensitive enough to pick up on the hCG in your body.


Since the hormonal changes detected by the at-home pregnancy tests haven't started happening in your body yet at one week, you cannot detect it at that point.

What are the signs of one week pregnancy?

Some signs of one week pregnancy are: -headache -frequent urination -nausea, (with or without vomiting) -increased basal body temperature -fatigue or tiredness -discomfort without bleeding, or mild pelvic cramping -any changes in your breasts, (including tenderness, tingling feeling, swelling, or noticeable blue veins) -gas or bloating in the belly

What lab test is done for pregnancy?

Most women will have a blood serum test to confirm pregnancy about eight to 10 days after ovulation. This is usually done at your healthcare provider's office or clinic. The test measures the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your blood. HCG is produced by the placenta and is the hormone that detects pregnancy. If the test is positive, you will likely have another blood test to check hCG levels again and to confirm that they are rising as they should.
Covid Testing

How long is the incubation period for COVID-19?

The incubation period for COVID-19 is the time between exposure to the virus and the onset of symptoms. The incubation period is thought to be around two weeks, although it can range from one to 14 days.

What are the primary symptoms of COVID-19?

The primary symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and a dry cough. Some people may also have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. However, some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms at all.

Can asymptomatic people transmit COVID-19?

The short answer to this question is that we don't know for sure. While there is some evidence that asymptomatic people can transmit the virus, the jury is still out on how often this occurs. What we do know is that people who are symptomatic are much more likely to transmit the virus. We also know that people can be infected with the virus and show no symptoms for several days.

What is the rapid diagnostic test for COVID-19?

There are two types of rapid diagnostic tests: 1) Molecular tests (ie: polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests) & 2) rapid antigen tests.

What is the difference between rapid & PCR tests for COVID-19?

PCR tests work by amplifying viral RNA, while rapid tests work by detecting antibodies that the body produces in response to infection. Because PCR tests are more accurate, they are the preferred method for diagnosing active infections. However, rapid tests can be useful for identifying people who have been exposed to the virus and may be infectious even if they do not show symptoms.

What are some severe consequences of the coronavirus disease?

One severe consequence of the coronavirus is pneumonia, which can lead to difficulty breathing and potentially death. Another severe consequence includes the virus leading to sepsis (which is a life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to infection). In addition, the virus can cause kidney failure and organ damage. Some of the other potential consequences of COVID-19 include stroke, heart attack, and pregnancy complications.
Urinary Tract Infections

Can a UTI go away on its own?

A UTI can sometimes go away on its own, but it depends on the individual infection. Often times, when a UTI is left untreated, it may linger for a longer amount of time, and cause further health complications.

How do u know if you have a urinary tract infection?

You know if you have a urinary tract infection if you experience any of the following symptoms: -blood in the urine -urine that appears cloudy -pelvic pain, (in women) -strong-smelling urine -urine that is red, or varying shades of brown -the frequent need to urinate

What is the fastest way to cure a urine infection?

The fastest way to cure a urine infection is with antibiotics, and most bladder infections are treated with them.

What are three signs of a urinary tract infection?

Three common signs of a urinary tract infection are: 1) a burning sensation when urinating, 2) the frequent need to empty your bladder, and 3) strong-smelling urine.

What causes urinary tract infections?

Micro-organisms, (usually bacteria), that enter the bladder or urethra causing infection and inflammation are generally the root causes of a urinary tract infection. This can be due to a number of reasons, such as: -not fully emptying the bladder, -being sexually active, -wiping from back to front after going to the bathroom.

What is the best cure for urinary tract infection?

The best way to cure a urinary tract infection is with antibiotics. These medications will kill any bacteria that cause the infection and can be taken just as your healthcare provider prescribed so there's no need for concern about following instructions. A minor case could turn into something more serious if left untreated.
STD Testing and Treatment

What is the fastest way to get rid of an STD?

The fastest way to get rid of an STD is with antibiotics. Antibiotics are a drug that can cure many sexually transmitted bacterial and parasitic infections. In single doses, they have been shown to be effective against gonorrhea as well as other diseases like syphilis or chlamydia.

What tests are done to detect STDs?

There are a few tests that are done to detect STDs: **Cheek swab: **to test for HIV, you rub a soft swab in the inside of your cheek. **Urine test: **you urinate into a cup. **Blood test: **a physician associate does a quick finger prick, or draws blood from your arm.

What STD requires a shot and pills?

Gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics, usually an injection in conjuction with taking pills.

Can STDs go away without treatment?

Viral STDs, such as HPV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C, are the only type of STDs that have the potential to go away on their own, or they could continue to cause health issues. HPV has over 150 strains, and many of them do actually clear up on their own with any symptoms, or treatment. Most STDs, however, do not clear up on their own, and the longer they are left untreated, the more harm they may cause to your overall health.

What antibiotics treat STDs?

There are a number of different antibiotics that can be used to treat STDs, depending on the specific infection. For example, gonorrhea and chlamydia can both be treated with azithromycin or doxycycline. Other STDs, such as syphilis, may require different antibiotics such as penicillin. It is important to see a healthcare professional to get a proper diagnosis and receive the appropriate treatment.

What are 5 common symptoms of an STD?

5 Common symptoms of an STD are:

1. Burning or painful urination
2. Sores or bumps on the genitals, oral or rectal area
3. Discharge from the penis or vagina, (sometimes odorous)
4. Pain during sex
5. Unusual vaginal bleeding
Flu Vaccine
Find out answers to the most commonly asked urgent care questions to help you and your family get the best possible medical care in southern CA.
Flu Vaccine

What are the benefits of getting a flu vaccine?

The flu vaccine can protect you from getting sick with the flu. Flu vaccination can also reduce the risk of hospitalization and death among people who are at high risk for these complications, including young children, older adults, and people with certain chronic health conditions. It can also help prevent serious health complications, such as pneumonia, that can occur as a result of the flu.

How effective is the flu vaccine?

The efficacy of the flu vaccine depends on many factors, including the age and health status of the person being vaccinated, the similarity between the virus strains in the vaccine and those circulating in the community, and how well the vaccine is manufactured. In general, however, the flu vaccine is 60-70% effective in healthy adults and 50-60% effective in children.

Who should get the flu vaccine?

Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a seasonal flu vaccine every year. Vaccination is especially important for people at high risk of serious influenza complications, including young children, pregnant women, people with certain chronic health conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), and people 65 years and older.

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Western Growers Assurance Trust