At Newport Center Urgent Care, we offer breathing treatments for individuals suffering from asthma. Our facility also provides a range of additional services and is staffed by knowledgeable healthcare professionals.
If you have asthma, you know that breathing can be a challenge. Asthma is a chronic lung condition that makes it difficult to breathe. When you have an asthma attack, your airways constrict and make it hard for air to flow in and out of your lungs. This can cause wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.
When you have asthma, your airways are always inflamed. This means that they are always swollen and sensitive. Most of the time, this inflammation is mild and you might not even notice it. But sometimes, things like cold air, smoke, or even exercise can trigger an asthma attack.
During an asthma attack, your airways get even more inflamed and start to narrow. This makes it hard to breathe and can lead to symptoms like chest tightness, wheezing, and shortness of breath. If you're having an asthma attack, it's important to seek medical help right away so that you can get treated and avoid any serious complications.
Breathing Treatments
Breathing treatments are one way to get relief from asthma symptoms. These treatments help open up the airways so that you can breathe more easily. They are typically given through an inhaler or nebulizer.
Emergency breathing treatments may be necessary if you are having a severe asthma attack. These treatments are usually given through an oxygen mask or tube. If you are having a severe asthma attack, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
If you have asthma, it is important to work with a provider to create a treatment plan. This plan may include taking medication, avoiding triggers, and getting regular checkups. With proper treatment, you can control your asthma and live a normal, healthy life.

Cold air
Physical exercise
Air irritants
pollutants (ie: smoke)
Common cold or other respiratory infections
Airborne allergens, such as mold spores, pet dander, pollen, or dust mites
If you use your inhaler regularly, it can help to prevent asthma attacks by keeping your airways clear and open. This is especially important if you have exercise-induced asthma or allergies that can trigger an attack.
When you feel an asthma attack coming on, using your inhaler can help to relieve your symptoms quickly. This is important because it can help you avoid a full-blown attack, which can be dangerous.
If you use your inhaler as directed, it can help you avoid emergency room visits due to asthma attacks. This is important because it can save you time and money. By using an inhaler as directed, you can help to control your symptoms and lead a normal, active life.
When you feel an asthma attack coming on, using your inhaler can help to relieve your symptoms quickly. This is important because it can help you avoid a full-blown attack, which can be dangerous.
If you use your inhaler as directed, it can help you avoid emergency room visits due to asthma attacks. This is important because it can save you time and money. By using an inhaler as directed, you can help to control your symptoms and lead a normal, active life.
You should seek medical attention immediately if you have any of the following symptoms: severe wheezing or breathlessness (especially if this occurs in the early morning or night), if you are unable to speak more than a few words without having shortness of breath, or if you have to strain your chest muscles to breathe.
Home remedies are a good way to try and help. One of those ways is through breathing exercises that focus on opening your lungs as much possible while still being calming so you don’t feel panic or stress around symptoms like asthma attacks. When we sit up straight, the airways will open and make it easier for us to breathe.

The consequences of untreated asthma can be serious, and permanent damage to your lungs is possible. Over time this can lead to the loss of the surface layer of the lungs and lung scarring. This causes the tubes of the lungs to become thicker, which means that less air is able to pass through them. The muscles of the airways become less able to relax, and can become enlarged.

Our expert medical team, led by Dr. Bryan Doonan, provides urgent medical care to Newport Beach, CA and the surrounding areas.
We know that when you're not feeling well, the last thing you want to do is wait in line at the hospital. That's why we offer convenient urgent care services at Newport Center.
Whether you're coming in for a cold or a broken bone, we promise to provide you with the best possible care. We'll work with you to ensure that you're on the road to recovery as soon as possible.
NCUC- We're here for you when you need us most.
We know that when you're not feeling well, the last thing you want to do is wait in line at the hospital. That's why we offer convenient urgent care services at Newport Center.
Whether you're coming in for a cold or a broken bone, we promise to provide you with the best possible care. We'll work with you to ensure that you're on the road to recovery as soon as possible.
NCUC- We're here for you when you need us most.
(949) 438-6690
Find out answers to the most commonly asked urgent care questions to help you and your family get the best possible medical care in southern CA.
A breathing treatment for asthma is a nebulizer or nebulized therapy. Nebulizers have a variety of medications, both for immediate relief, and for controlling asthma symptoms
Albuterol medication is used for nebulizer for asthma. It is a solution in liquid form that is inhaled by mouth using a special jet nebulizer, which turns this liquid into a mist.
5 treatments for asthma are:
1. Inhaled corticosteroids
2. Combination inhalers that contain both a corticosteroid and a LABA
3. Leukotriene modifiers
4. Long-acting beta agonists (LABAs)
5. Theophylline
1. Inhaled corticosteroids
2. Combination inhalers that contain both a corticosteroid and a LABA
3. Leukotriene modifiers
4. Long-acting beta agonists (LABAs)
5. Theophylline
The 3 forms of inhalation treatment for asthma are: nebulizers, dose inhalers, and dry powder inhalers.
Asthma is a chronic and lasting condition, therefore, it cannot be permanently cured. However, it is highly treatable, and can be controlled to a point that it no longer is debilitating.
You need a breathing treatment if you are experiencing any of the following -frequent allergic reactions -frequent coughing or congestion -having chronic trouble breathing -having a breathing or respiratory disorder that is not responding to medication or worsening.
Other SErvices
All of your asthma and breathing treatment needs in one place at Newport Center Urgent Care in Newport Beach, CA, along with emergency treatments for all other types of medical needs when you need them most.